1- Eskiocak U, Ozkan-Ariksoysal D, Ozsoz M, Oktem H A.2007. Label-free detection of telomerase activity using guanine electrochemical oxidation signal. Analytical Chemistry 79 (22): 8807-8811.

2- Oktem H A, Bayramoglu G, Ozalp V C, Arica M Y. Single-Step Purification of Recombinant Thermus aquaticus DNA Polymerase Using DNA-Aptamer Immobilized Novel Affinity Magnetic Beads. Biotechnology Progress 23 (1): 146-154. Cited 3 times

3- Bayramoglu G, Oktem H A, Arica M Y. A dye-ligand immobilized poly(2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate) membrane used for adsorption and isolation of immunoglobulin G. Biochemical Engineering Journal 34 (2):147-155.

4- Aktas O, Toral T, Bayrac T, Oktem H A. Fabrication and Application of Nanotube Nanosensors for Detection of Biological Molecules. Nanomat 2007 Book of Abstract pg 25. October31- November 03, 2007 Antalya, Turkey.

5- Öktem H.A., 2007. NANOBIOSENSORS. Molecular Biomimetics and BioNanoTechnology, 23-25 May, 2007, ITU, Istanbul